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The Powers of a



Natural Beauty

Follow your Dharma

Inner Peace

Weight Management

Self Care

Care for Others

Know Yourself

Stress Reduction





​ name a few!



Yogic-Ayurvedic Life-Style Coaching for modern times
I offer wide range of individualized classical yoga services, designed with your needs and preferences in mind.
All my services are based on traditional yogic & ayurvedic teachings applied to modern times.
All levels are welcomed and encouraged to engage in a healthy Ayuvedic-Yogic Life-style!
Wellness: "The quality or state of being in good health, specially as an actively sought goal"
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary) is based on the body-mind-soul balance, gained by controlling our mind though observation and awareness. Our sessions together will be based on mind work (your Power of Attention & Concentration as well as Pranic channeling) to help you de-stress, let go and observe life from a more contented and balanced perspective. Ayurvedic life-style principles and practices will be introduced regularly during our sessions. This includes understanding your body-mind type and how to adjust your life's routines to better help with your unique constitution and circumstances.
One-on-one sessions are put together as a complete wellness program to be implemented through several sessions.


A regular private session is a 'custom-made' yoga session (not only Asana or exercise) adapted for your doshic body-mind type. This may include Asana, Pranayama, Attention, Concentration and Meditation exercises; discussion of the Yamas and Niyamas (yogic guidelines and observances) and how to apply them in today's life; and ayurvedic life-style suggestions to be implemented in your everyday life.
Please, bear in mind I do not offer 'yoga therapy' as it is now generally understood as solely focused on asana or exercise to address physical pain. My focus will be always to address your issues from the source through a holistic approach to allow yourself heal from the inside out instead of addressing only the symptoms. This approach gives us better chances of avoiding or minimizing the recurrence of issues.



Phone or Skye Consultation (30min) - FREE!

Ayurvedic Questionnaire: FREE!


Here are my main services and pricing (sessions held at your place):


  • Yoga&Ayurveda Life-Style Wisdom. Individual Sessions. 1hr 30 min

In this one-hour and 30 min session we will use any of the tools Yoga and Ayurveda give us to address your concerns and issues. Just to give you an idea about subjects that can be addressed during our sessions: Explanation and practice of Yoga asana for your body-mind type and condition, ways of controlling your mind, ayurvedic food suggestions, beneficial yogic-ayurvedic daily routines, energies and chakras, rejuvenation therapy, marma therapy, to name just a few!

Discounts available if you pay 5 or 10 sessions in advance.


  • Find Out and Understand your Doshas: 1 hr

This is an introductory session from which you will learn your birth Dosha and your current doshic tendencies and imbalances. This is the perfect session for those of you that are not familiar with Ayurveda and would like to get introduced to it. Once you get introduced to the principles of the Doshas, you can start applying healthy and appropriate routines for your yogic body-mind type.


  • Yoga&Ayurveda Sessions. Closed, reduced group (2 to 4 people):

      Mininum 2 people. -1hr 30 min

Weekly or bi-weekly, for a reduced group of people that are willing to compromise to ongoing sessions.

Everyone attending will be asked to take the Ayurvedic Questionnaire to understand how their asana sessions need to be performed and what ayurvedic life-style changes need to be applied based on their dosha(s). Although the level of individualized attention during these sessions is not as profound as those done on individual bases, this is a good option I offer for those that prefer a more affordable option in company of a reduced group of like-minded practitioners.


Days, times and frequency are decided as needed. Call me!




Ayurvedic hand-made, custom-made and organic or chemical-free products!

Body creams, scrubs, facial balms, and ayurvedic herbal teas

for your particular doshas, condition and preference.

Check the Product Section or contact me if you have questions!



Om Shanti


Service Disclaimer




Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.


You should not use the information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment.


Speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem. For any products or services purchased from the this site, you should read carefully all product packaging and instructions.


If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on the website. Information provided and the use of any products or services purchased from our website by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and anyone affiliated.


Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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