Be & Live Well
The Power of Classical Yoga & Ayurveda Life-Style
(954) 232-4144
"Do not think of yoga as a set of physical exercises that we do for health or for eradicating disease or illness. Think of yoga as a way to improve and develop the strength and quality of the brain and mind"
Bihar School of Yoga
Bihar, India
About Yoga
There are so many types of yoga out there! Isn´t it confusing? Which one should you practice? Why? What are the benefits?
At Be & Live Well we believe Raja Yoga (aka "Royal") Yoga to be possibly the most complete kind of yoga. Raja Yoga is based on Patanjali´s Yoga Sutra teachings gathered in the 8 Limbs as a series of guidelines to help us through the control of fluctuations of our mind, where -it is believed- all our problems start! The 8 Limbs are:
Yamas - cultivating appropriate external or social practices
Niyamas - cultivating appropriate internal or personal practices
Asana - discipline of the body
Pranayama - control of life force energies
Pratyahara - withdraw of the senses
Dharana - concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadi - oneness with the object of meditation
When practiced regularly, Yoga has been proven to be one of the best tools we have for the control of our inner (and by extension, outer) lives. Just like Ayurveda, it was originated in Ancient India by the enlightened rishis that longed for a life of awareness and in absolute union with Mother Earth. It arrived to the West decades ago as a mind-body science but regretfully, it evolved to be mostly part of a fitness package. As we have seen, Yoga goes far beyond fitness. Yoga is mostly a mental and spiritual practice and discipline that guides us through life to reach our inner soul, our life force and thus, balance.
Although Yoga is part of a deep-rooted Hindu and Vedic tradition, our approach to its implementation is not related or dependent on any religion. People of all faiths can practice Raja Yoga without interfering with their believes and daily living.