Be & Live Well
The Power of Classical Yoga & Ayurveda Life-Style
(954) 232-4144
AYURVEDA, The Science of Life
"Ayurveda itself is a form of yoga. It can be called the yoga of healing. Ayurveda employs aspects of all the yoga depending upon the level, temperament and constitution of the individual to aid in their healing, right lifestyle and spiritual development" -
D. Frawley "Yoga and Ayurveda"
A brief Introduction
Ayurveda is an ancient healing science originated in India thousands of years ago as a holistic system with the purpose of gaining and maintaining balance in life. Nowadays it is the only medical system that focuses on the individual and unique physical, mental and spiritual condition of the client and so treats the person, not the disease.
Ayurveda sees existance as a combination of 5 basic and organic elements: •Earth •Water •Fire •Air •Ether.
The distinctive combination of these elements creates three main groups divided by physical and emotional constitutuion similarities, called “Doshas”: •Vata •Pitta •Kapha.
Ayurvedic Yoga
Yoga and your Doshas
Both my private sessions and my group Yoga classes have as a goal to teach you the amazing tools the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda have waiting for you to use for your wellness.
"Ayurvedic Yoga" means using the principles of the science of Ayurveda while practicing Yoga.​
As you have probably already read throughout my website, Ayurveda and Yoga are sisters sciences. They were created thousands of years ago to complement each other: one (Yoga) to work on your mind, and the other (Ayurveda) to work on your body. As you can imagine, having these two sciences working hand-on-hand gives us amazing tools to handle a real wide range of situations that may require your attention and work.
My personal understanding of Yoga is that of a science that without doubt needs an ayurvedic platform to really benefit from it. The same goes the other way around! An ayurvedic life-style cannot be experienced to its fullest without the a yogic philosophy to back it up.
From the Introduction above, you will understand now how the combination of the elements makes everything that exists, and so us as well. Although for the sake of science Ayurveda is grouped in 3 Doshas, 3 Ghunas etc there are endless combinations. Just take a look at us! We all fall under one of the 7 Dosha-combination, yet there are not 2 of us alike!
I hope you can join me in this amazing journey of getting to know ourselves and discovering inner peace and wellness through the amazing knowledge and practice of yoga and Ayurveda.