Be & Live Well
The Power of Classical Yoga & Ayurveda Life-Style
(954) 232-4144
Yogic/Ayurvedic Life-Style Consultations
There are different reasons why you may want to come see us: You may be interested in learning more about yourself and how to feel well about yourself with an ayurvedic lifestyle or you may be experiencing some condition you would like to learn about.
Whatever the case may be, all ayurvedic programs start with a detailed consultation where the practitioner will have an in-depth understanding of your needs and goals. The contemporary description for Ayurvedic practitioners is a combination of Life Coaching and Nutritional Coaching. The great difference with other approaches to coaching is that we are lucky to be backed up by these wonderful millennia-old holistic sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga. The Ayurveda Coach goes several layers deeper because specializes in a science that has established a logical and scientifically proven categorization and relation of the energies in our bodies and everything around us. The elements that create and sustain life can produce beneficial or detrimental effects in our health and minds depending on how we use them.
Here´s what you should expect from an ayurvedic consultation:
Find out what your doshic constitutuion (prakruti) is
Find out what your current doshic condition and imbalance (vikruti) is, if any
Pulse diagnosis
Be asked lots of questions!
Fill out a few important questionnaire forms
Show us your tongue
Talk about your eating habits
Talk about your routines
Learn about yourself
... and plenty more!
Once your condition and goals are set, we will create a unique program with suggestions to be implemented in different stages depending on your needs. Follow-up consultations are usually important in order to corroborate the program is working according to what is expected and to make the necessary adjustments when necessary.
For your convenience, we have different Wellbeing plans, arranged by single consultations, as well months-long programs. Please click here for more information about our services.
We do not provide medical advice. We do not treat or cure disease and our suggestions should not be a substitute of medical treatment when needed. Rather, we work on suggesting means of bringing imbalanced doshas or humors back to where they belong based on your own unique body and mind birth constitution.